Athletics » Athletic Eligibility

Athletic Eligibility

All students in good academic standing are permitted to participate in athletic programs in our school. Students are ineligible if they have more than 14 unexcused absences. In addition, to be eligible for interscholastic athletics at CMS, a student may not fail more than one full year course (mathematics, language arts, reading, physical education, science, social studies and world language [7/8 only]) in the previous marking period.
Students who fail one course will be required to:
  1. Stay after school and obtain extra help (either from the teacher or by attending Homework Club) at least 2 times a week.

  2. On days when extra help is sought, students will attend practice at 3:25.

  3. In the event of an away game, students may be permitted to skip after school assistance but should check in with the respective teacher or Homework Club advisor to keep him/her informed.

  4. The period of remediation would stay in place for a period of 4 weeks and may end once the child has established and maintained a passing average for a period of two weeks. However, if the child begins to fail the same courses again, the process begins anew.

  5. If, after a period of 4 weeks, the child is still failing, the ability to attend away competitions is lost (per #3).