Athletics » Registration details and help

Registration details and help

In order to register your child for a sport, please log in to your Genesis Parent portal at:
If you have forgotten your Genesis parent portal password, please click the 'Forgot My Password' button and enter the email address you registered for Genesis with. Wait for an automated email to arrive (please check your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox). If you are still having trouble, please email [email protected] with a description of the issue.
Once logged in, please click on the 'STUDENT DATA' main tab and then the 'Forms' sub-tab. This will bring you to the 'Forms Library' where you will see a list of forms for each of your children.
Please find the name of the first child you would like to register for a sport and then under that child's name, click on the words 'CHS & CMS:  FALL 2024 SPORTS REGISTRATION - please complete one for each athlete'.  This will bring you into the form. Please read carefully and respond to each question on the form. When finished, please follow the instructions at the bottom of the form to finalize the form (you must allow pop-ups on your browser for this site in order to finalize the form). If you have another child you would like to register for a sport, please click into the form under that child's name on the 'Forms Library' page.
Video help for registration
If you are having any trouble with Genesis or the form, please email [email protected]

Contacts for questions about athletics:

High School- [email protected]  or [email protected]

Middle School- [email protected] or [email protected]


Physical Examinations:  All Health Forms must be submitted as a hard copy.  

Students registering for Athletics must have a current physical examination on file in the athletic department's office before the student is authorized to participate in practice/tryouts.  Sports physicals are good for 365 days******.

To ensure clearance for participation, physicals should be completed and turned in by August 1st for Fall, November 12 for Winter and March 9th for Spring.

  • Physicals are valid for 1 year from date of the last exam. Download your Pre-Participation Physical Form HERE.  Return completed physical paperwork to the school which will be viewed and signed off by the district's doctor.

  • If the athlete has a current physical on file in the athletic department's office, you DO NOT need a new physical you will just need to complete the registration.

  • If the athlete has Asthma and uses an inhaler, please click HERE.

  • In the case of accident or serious illness, all reasonable efforts will be made to contact the parent/guardian.  If parent/guardian is unavailable the students emergency contact person will be contacted.

*Please note:

  • Final clearance will NOT be granted until both the online registration process and original Physical Form is completed and have been received by the athletic department and our school physician signs off. 

  • If your child has Asthma, you must also turn in a new Asthma Treatment Plan and Self Medication Permission form.  This is required on a yearly basis. Along with this, if your child needs an Epi-Pen, please complete the Self Medication Form and return it to the nurses office.  

  • All athletes, parents and/or guardians must follow the process below to register for sports participation.